Introducing the Gradeall Tyre Baling Conveyor: A Game-Changer for Waste Tyre Management

By:     Kieran Donnelly

In the realm of global waste management, the contribution of waste tyres is notably significant. The World Tyre and Rubber Alliance (WTRA) reports that each year the world sees the generation of around 1.5 billion waste tyres, a figure that underscores a pressing environmental predicament:

Landfill Capacity Strain: The improper disposal of these numerous waste tyres contributes markedly to the swift depletion of landfill spaces, thus encroaching upon valuable land resources earmarked for waste storage.

Environmental Pollution: Inappropriately managed waste tyres pose a serious risk of leaching noxious chemicals and heavy metals into the ecosystem. This contamination of soil and water sources can have far-reaching impacts on both environmental health and human wellbeing.

Fire Risks: Stockpiles of waste tyres are extremely vulnerable to fire hazards. These tyre fires not only pose a direct threat to nearby communities and properties but also aggravate air pollution through the release of toxic fumes and the generation of intense heat.

Save Labour and Increase Productivity with the Gradeall Tyre Baler Conveyor

Speed and Efficiency

Conveyor belts greatly streamline the movement of tyres, enabling significantly swifter processing rates without the need for manual carrying. This directly enhances baling productivity.

Reduced Labour Costs

The automation of tyre transfers via a conveyor markedly decreases labour expenses and the risk of injuries associated with repetitive heavy lifting during manual handling.

Safer Working Conditions

The elimination of strenuous manual tyre loading reduces staff fatigue and the potential for musculoskeletal issues over time. Conveyors foster healthier, safer work environments.

Consistency and Reliability

Conveyors ensure steady, reliable feeding of tyres for smooth, uninterrupted baling operations, maximising equipment utilisation and output.

Space Efficiency

As conveyors transport tyres overhead, they can be flexibly adapted to fit spatial constraints, unlike ground-level transportation methods. This optimisation enhances plant layouts.

Quality Control

Automated, controlled feeding leads to uniformly shaped and compacted tyre bales, ideal for shipping, storing, or sale for downstream recycling.


Enhancing efficiency aids in diverting tyres from landfills and reducing carbon emissions from transportation, aligning with environmental objectives.


The ability of conveyors to handle increased volumes of tyres easily scales to meet growing processing needs as operational demands expand in the coming years.


The tyre baler conveyor is an all-new product from Gradeall designed to maximise tyre baling efficiency.

The Tyre Baler Conveyor, Gradeall’s latest innovation, revolutionises tyre baling efficiency. This state-of-the-art product, when paired with the MK3 Tyre Baler, represents the pinnacle of speed and user-friendliness in handling high volumes of tyres. It’s meticulously engineered to streamline the tyre baling process, transforming it into a swift, seamless operation. With this advanced solution, Gradeall sets a new standard in tyre recycling efficiency, ensuring that large quantities of tyres are baled more efficiently than ever before.


The tyre baler conveyor will work with either the MK2or MK3 tyre baler with minimal changes required by the operator.

Rather than have operators spend valuable time searching for tyres, or walking to a pile of tyres and back to the baler repetitively the conveyor hopper is loaded with tyres via telehandler in a matter of minutes.

The conveyor then brings the tyres to the operator who lifts them from the conveyor and deposits them into the baler all at waist height. This reduces the need to bend down to pick up tyres and therefore prevents back injuries from occurring. Recognising the importance of the person who actually operates the tyre baler and their welfare is crucial to a smooth operating tyre baling process.


Tyre baling can be considered the first step in tyre recycling before going onto further steps such as shredding, granulation or pyrolysis. It is as important as ever to ensure that tyres are delivered to these facilities as efficiently as possible to stay on top of the waste tyre problem. Bales will always maximise storage and transport efficency.

More Information on the Process

Recycling waste tyres is a complex, multi-stage process, transforming what was once waste into valuable materials:

Gathering and Transport: The process begins with the collection of waste tyres from various sources, such as garages, scrapyards, and residential areas, followed by their transportation to dedicated recycling facilities.

Inspection and Categorisation: Upon arrival, the tyres undergo thorough inspections to remove any potentially hazardous materials. Subsequently, they are sorted based on various criteria, including size, type, and overall condition.

Shredding: The tyres are then shredded into smaller pieces. This shredding is a crucial step as it facilitates the subsequent stages of recycling.

Granulation Process: Following shredding, the tyre pieces are granulated, a process that turns them into fine granules. These granules find utility in a range of applications such as in creating rubberised asphalt or as a material for playground surfaces.

Pyrolysis: Some waste tyres are subjected to pyrolysis. This thermal decomposition breaks down the rubber into its constituent components like carbon black, oil, and steel wire, which are then repurposed in various industries.

Click here to find out more about the tyre baler conveyor


Return on Investment (ROI) with Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor

Investing in Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor can bring about significant returns for businesses engaged in large-scale tyre recycling:

  • Labour Cost Reduction: The conveyor system significantly diminishes the need for manual labour in tyre handling, thereby reducing associated labour costs and bolstering operational efficiency.
  • Productivity Enhancement: The conveyor’s efficient operation increases the capacity for tyre baling, leading to an increased number of tyre bales produced per hour.
  • Operational Downtime Minimisation: The system’s reliability and consistency in operation reduce downtime, which is often a consequence of manual handling challenges, thereby enhancing overall productivity.

Future Innovations from Gradeall

Gradeall is at the forefront of innovation in tyre recycling technology. Future advancements could include:

  • Automated Tyre Feeding Mechanisms: Aimed at reducing manual labour and enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Sensor-Based Tyre Categorisation: To optimise the baling process in alignment with specific tyre characteristics.
  • Intelligent Baling Systems: Designed to adapt baling parameters to the varying properties of tyres, thereby maximising efficiency and improving the quality of the tyre bales.

Gradeall’s commitment to innovation is a testament to their dedication to evolving the tyre recycling industry, offering solutions that tackle the increasing challenges in waste tyre management and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Maximising Efficiency in Tyre Recycling with Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor

Q: What significant environmental issue is addressed by Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor?

A: Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor addresses the critical environmental issue of waste tyre management. With approximately 1.5 billion waste tyres generated annually worldwide, the conveyor system helps in efficiently managing this waste, reducing landfill overflow, environmental pollution, and fire hazards associated with waste tyre stockpiles.

Q: How does the Tyre Baler Conveyor enhance tyre recycling efficiency?

A: The Tyre Baler Conveyor significantly streamlines the movement of tyres, enabling much faster processing rates without manual carrying. This increased efficiency is crucial in handling the high volumes of waste tyres, directly improving baling productivity and reducing labour costs.

Q: What are the key benefits of using the Tyre Baler Conveyor in a recycling facility?

A: Key benefits include reduced labour costs due to automation, safer working conditions by eliminating manual tyre loading, consistent and reliable tyre feeding for uninterrupted operations, space efficiency in facility layouts, improved quality control in tyre bale formation, enhanced sustainability by diverting tyres from landfills, and scalability to meet increasing processing needs.

Q: Can the Tyre Baler Conveyor work with different models of tyre balers?

A: Yes, the Tyre Baler Conveyor is versatile and can work with different models, including both the MK2 and MK3 tyre balers. It requires minimal adjustments by the operator, making it a flexible solution for various tyre baling requirements.

Q: How does the Tyre Baler Conveyor impact the health and safety of operators?

A: The conveyor significantly reduces the physical strain on operators, especially in terms of preventing back injuries. By facilitating tyre loading at waist height, it minimises the need for bending and heavy lifting, thereby promoting a healthier and safer work environment.

Q: What role does tyre baling play in the broader context of tyre recycling?

A: Tyre baling is an essential first step in the tyre recycling process, making it easier to transport tyres to facilities for further processing steps such as shredding, granulation, or pyrolysis. Efficient tyre baling ensures maximised storage and transport efficiency, which is crucial in managing the waste tyre problem.

Q: What potential future innovations is Gradeall exploring in tyre recycling technology?

A: Gradeall is exploring several innovations, including automated tyre feeding systems to further reduce manual labour, sensor-based tyre identification for optimising the baling process, and intelligent baling systems that adapt to varying tyre properties. These advancements aim to enhance efficiency and the quality of tyre bales.

Q: How does investing in Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor yield a significant return on investment?

A: The investment in Gradeall’s Tyre Baler Conveyor yields substantial returns by significantly reducing labour costs, enhancing productivity, and minimising operational downtime. Its efficient and consistent operation optimises the tyre baling process, making it a cost-effective solution for large-scale tyre recycling operations.

Upgrade you facilities and Increase Productivity with Gradeall

To explore how Gradealls Tyre Baling Conveyor can drive circular tyre economies while maximising efficiency and cost savings, contact a tyre waste specialist at 02890844567.

The team can advise on the ideal baler model and capacity for your tyre volumes and assist with installation, operator training, and maintenance planning.

Gradeall Offers a Wide Range of Waste Management Innovation:

Transform tyre waste from an environmental liability into an asset with Gradeall’s baler driving your circular economy program. Follow Gradeall on Facebook and LinkedIn for more waste management insights.

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Continue leading the future of sustainable waste management alongside Gradeall by connecting with us today. Stay updated on the latest landfill innovations by following us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Tyre Baler Conveyor

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